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D O N A T E 

Poetry education matters.

Your donation supports more poetry for more kids!  Creating poetry together, sharing, being heard & listening respectfully to others can be a powerful step to overcoming loneliness & alienation, and can quickly lead to elevated feelings of belonging and well-being.

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Prispevki so davčno priznani.  Smo 501 (c) (3)  - Davčna številka 94-2977264.  


Vaše darilo nam pomaga zagotoviti naslednje: ​​

  • 1000 $ pomaga podpreti produkcijo naše letne antologije otroške poezije po vsej državi

  • 800 $ postavi pesnika-učitelja v razred za 10 tednov

  • 500 $ financira 6-tedensko bivanje v šoli, ki je premalo postrežena

  • 250 $ prinaša enega novega pesnika-učitelja na naš letni simpozij usposabljanja

  • 100 $ podari našo letno državno pesniško antologijo 10 šolskim knjižnicam

  • 75 $ uči eno sejo poezije v lokalni javni šoli





We accept online transactions through Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, or by credit card.  Also - see many other creative ways to give, below. 

Sprejemamo spletne transakcije preko PayPal ali s kreditno kartico.

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We appreciate our donors! 
In celebration of our 60th birthday, please look forward to these gifts:

#1 All donors who give any amount (online or through the mail):

receive one, free digital download of our 2024, 60th anniversary poetry poster (instant for web donations.  Allow 30 day processing for mailed donations)

#3 All donors who give $500+ (online or through the mail):

receive gifts #1 and #2, as well as a paperback copy of our most recent statewide anthology of youth poetry, published November, 2024, mailed to you (Please include address with donation and allow 45 days for processing.)

#2 All donors who give $60+ (online or through the mail):

receive gift #1, as well as one, free digital download of our most recent statewide anthology of youth poetry, published November, 2024 (allow 30 days for processing)

#4 All donors who give $1,000+ (online or through the mail):

receive gifts #1, #2 and #3 as well as a natural-colored "More Poetry is  Needed" tote bag and California Poets in the Schools mug

(Please include address with donation and allow 45 days for processing. )

DAF Direct currently facilitates grant recommendations from donors of Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®. More national and community foundation DAF sponsoring organizations may be added in the future.

After a DAF grant recommendation has been approved, 100% of the funds transfer to California Poets in the Schools, with no administration or transaction fees for using the DAF Direct service.

You can fill out the form to the left, or click here to start the process online. 

Other Ways to Donate:  

Corporate Sponsorships:


We offer opportunities for corporate sponsors to support projects and get benefits in return.  Visit our sponsorship page for more information. 

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Osebni pregled


Prosimo, da vaš ček plačate na:  Kalifornijski pesniki v šolah

Poštni naslov:   PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Opomba: to je nov naslov od 1.7.2018


Načrtovano dajanje  

Spoznajte svojo osebno filantropijo in finance  cilje skozi zapuščeno načrtovanje. Posvetujte se s svojim finančnim svetovalcem, da določite načrt, ki vam najbolj ustreza, in nas pokličite, da ga pripravimo  načrtovana donacija.  

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Stock Charts in the Newspaper
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Ujemajoča darila  


Pomnožite svoje  finančne donacije prek korporativnega programa daril.  Obrnite se na svojo službo za ugodnosti zaposlenih, da preverite, ali ima vaše podjetje sodelujoči program za vas ali vašega zakonca.  Vaše podjetje je morda že na našem seznamu. Prosimo, pošljite ustrezne darilne obrazce v našo pisarno:  PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Opomba: to je nov naslov od 1.7.2018

Prispevki trgovcev

Večji trgovci na drobno ali lokalna podjetja so morda vzpostavili programe, ki podarijo odstotke prodaje neprofitnim organizacijam.  Amazon Smile in eScrip sta dva od mnogih.  Pri podjetjih, kjer nakupujete, preverite, ali lahko določite kalifornijske pesnike v šolah kot svojo dobrodelno organizacijo.  

Gifts of Stock

We accept gifts of stock!  All gifts of stock to California Poets in the Schools are currently processed by the Marin Community Foundation, where we have a managed fund established. We will work with you to set up a gift to our CALIFORNIA POETS IN THE SCHOOLS - UNRESTRICTED FUND of the Marin Community Foundation.  Please contact Meg Hamill for more information:

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Svojo donacijo lahko pošljete s čekom za kalifornijske pesnike v šolah na PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.  HVALA VAM!

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Kreditna kartica

Če želite darovati kreditno kartico,  vnesite znesek prek gumba za darovanje.

Če želite vsak mesec darovati določen znesek,  prosim pokliči Meg

Izvršni direktor, na (415-221-4201), da nastavite vašo ponavljajočo se donacijo.

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